KVH’s Value-added Service Spotlight: IoT Proactive Monitoring


When selecting a communications system that best meets your unique connectivity needs, you’ll want to consider such options as hardware, technology, data plans, cost, installation, warranty, and service. (Check out our recommendations for the top 5 questions to ask when considering onboard connectivity.) But what other factors are points of differentiation between the varying companies and service providers that can get your boat connected to the internet?


One phrase best answers this question: value-added services. For over a decade KVH has developed, tested, and refined the world’s leading connectivity solutions for the marine industry. And along the way, we’ve created unrivaled value-added solutions that ensure our customer’s systems deliver peak performance, which include helping address cyber threats and offering self-managed tools that provide transparency and control of data usage.

Our proprietary IoT Proactive Monitoring Service is a dynamic, leading-edge service and one that remains unmatched in the industry. And it’s completely free of charge for KVH customers!


What is KVH’s IoT Proactive Monitoring Service?
KVH’s IoT Proactive Monitoring Service is a remote monitoring and data analysis service unique to KVH. It identifies and troubleshoots potential performance issues and helps solve potential performance issues on your KVH TracPhone VSAT antenna. It also monitors the satellite network’s performance and uses real-time data to identify and help fix common issues like antenna blockage.


How does it work?
Each KVH TracPhone VSAT system includes integrated IoT (Internet of Things) functionality that tracks and transmits data on 150+ terminal and network health and performance parameters back to KVH’s automated systems, tech support experts, and engineers to ensure your system and network always deliver a premium connectivity experience.


What happens if IoT Proactive Monitoring identifies a performance indicator that can be improved?
If optimization is needed, a technician will remotely fix the issue from our technical support and network operations center. And if a situation requires physical adjustments or repairs, KVH will coordinate all necessary onboard repairs through your nearest KVH authorized technician and fix with minimal interruption.


If IoT Proactive Monitoring is always running, will my data be affected?
No, not at all. IoT Proactive Monitoring reports are highly compressed data files that have no impact on your data speeds or monthly data plan.


What’s a common issue that IoT Proactive Monitoring detects?
Among the health and performance parameters that we record is the terminal’s reception of data from the satellite. The terminal may be unable to receive the signal at a given angle or position due to physical blockage (e.g., masts, cranes, other onboard structures) that prevents the antenna from seeing the satellite. IoT Proactive Monitoring builds a real-time map of exactly where the terminal can and can’t receive a signal. This map can then be used by our tech support teams to build Tracking Avoidance Zones, which teach the system to recognize future blockage situations and rapidly switch to an alternative satellite. To learn more about KVH’s Tracking Avoidance Zones, check out our blog post on the topic here.


How is KVH able to offer this unique service while other providers can’t?
Unlike other manufacturers and network service providers, KVH offers the industry’s only fully integrated end-to-end communications solution. We design and create premium and rugged hardware, offer unmatched speed and coverage on KVH’s mini-VSAT Broadband HTS network, deliver cybersecurity, powerful management tools, award-winning content, and global support – all designed and proven to work together. As a result, our automated systems, tech support experts, and engineers have unparalleled visibility into every element of the terminal and network, which allows us to identify and respond rapidly to potential issues. This means our customers can count on a seamless communications experience from one company, on one network, and if needed, only need to make one call.