TMS Successfully Completes Installation of Sperry Marine’s Navigat 2500 Gyro in Barcelona


Total Maritime Solutions (TMS), a leader in marine installation services, is pleased to announce the successful installation and commissioning of Sperry Marine’s Navigat 2500 Gyro on a mega-yacht of approximately 85 meters in length and 2,100 GT in Barcelona


The installation, involving the replacement of the Gyro 2200 model with the advanced Navigat 2500 Gyro, was carried out in collaboration with a Sperry Marine-certified technician from Aage Hempel. Highlighting TMS’s commitment to cutting-edge solutions, this installation took an innovative approach by implementing a ring-shaped system to ensure proper functioning, even in the event of possible failures in equipment that make up the ring.


Installation Details:

Sperry Marine’s Navigat 2500 Gyro, a highly precise attitude reference sensor and fiber optic gyrocompass unit, was seamlessly integrated into the existing system. This ring-shaped installation approach ensures the necessary redundancy to maintain operational stability even in unforeseen situations.

The NAVIGAT 200 system for multiple gyroscopes complements this installation, providing a comprehensive solution for control and display. The remote control NAVITWIN/V Navitwin V with a color TFT display was incorporated to facilitate efficient monitoring and management.

Customized drawings of the gyrocompass system were provided to ensure seamless integration. Additionally, power supply elements were adapted to ensure a smooth transition from the previous to the new installation, maintaining operational continuity.

This installation represents a significant achievement for TMS by implementing a ring-shaped solution, showcasing the company’s ability to innovate and ensure operational reliability under all circumstances.

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About TMS:

Total Maritime Solutions (TMS) is a leader in the installation and maintenance of navigation and communication equipment on marine vessels. With a focus on technical excellence and customer service, TMS is proud to offer cutting-edge solutions that meet the highest industry standards.

It’s worth noting that Total Maritime Solutions (TMS) holds the accreditation as an M1 installer, reinforcing its commitment to industry standards and the delivery of quality services.